Alternative Energy HQ

What Can Solar Energy Do For the Fountain in Your Yard?

Unlike standard garden fountains, solar fountains cost less and save energy. Because they run on free power generated by sunlight, solar fountains never need to be plugged into an electrical power source. They can be placed anywhere with access to direct sunlight.

In the garden or patio area, place the fountain’s solar panel out of areas that are shaded by trees, plants, walls, or awnings. This is because the fountain’s water movements will vary depending on the amount of full sunlight the panels receive. In the shade, water movements may slow down or become erratic. It may be a good idea to place your panels on a low roof or to build a high wooden beam on which to place your panels. Also, keep the weather patterns in your area in mind: consistently cloudy weather can hinder these fountains from operating at peak power.

Typically, the photovoltaic (PV) solar panel is attached to the fountain via a long cord. Photovoltaic power converts solar energy into electricity versus heat. The solar panels can also be built directly into the fountain. As the panels collect light, silicon cells convert free electrons into electricity, which powers the fountain’s pump. An inverter is usually built into the entire device to convert the direct current collected from the panels into useable, AC power. Some fountains come with backup battery power which stores the solar energy generated during the day. This will enable you to operate the fountain at night or on cloudy days. To increase reliability, you also have the option of connecting additional panels to your fountain.

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