Alternative Energy HQ

Understanding Bioalcohol and Ethanol Alternatives

Levi Quinn asked:

When it comes to the various types of fuel available for operating vehicles, it can be more than a little confusing. We all hear several terms and phrases used on TV and in the news but when you have no personal involvement; it’s hard to really understand it all. Ethanol is a word that most of us have heard many times. However, bioalcohol is a new term to most people. These are both viable alternatives to the regular petrol fuel most drivers are consuming today.

Bioalcohol is alcohol that is derived from natural resources, similar to ethanol. It does not come from petroleum in any way. It’s just one of the latest alternatives being considered as a replacement for petroleum which is both expensive and very hard on the environment in terms of emissions.

Ethanol is usually produced from corn. It is quite readily available in most places and in some places it is actually mandated. It lowers emissions efficiently by increasing oxygen levels. Ethanol is used by some petrol companies now as part of their regular fuel.

For several years now ethanol has been used in addition to regular fuel. It makes a large difference when compared to using petrol without ethanol. However, ethanol is not as widely used as it needs to be in order to make a greater difference.

With the use of biomass, any plant fibre can be converted into ethanol. This makes it a completely natural alternative whereas petrol is not. Natural energy resources are ultimately better for both the earth and humanity.

Ethanol and bioalcohol burn much cleaner than regular fuel. This greatly reduces the numbers in terms of harmful emissions that are released into the environment. Fewer emissions are just one of the main things that modern science and technology is striving for. It is an important part of making a real difference in the long run.

Bioalcohol and ethanol are renewable resources. Due to the sun’s conversion of plants into energy, there is nothing chemical about it at all. The best fuel alternatives are easily the ones that come without a price. Of course, one setback is that there simply are not enough filling stations with bioalcohol or pure ethanol fuel options. Considering how many vehicles are on the road worldwide, that is something that really needs to be changed.

There are many things that create ethanol or bioalcohol. It does not only come from corn. Potatoes, barley and sugar cane are all fantastic and natural products that create ethanol, with a little help from the sun. There is no reason not to be investigating this option further.

For those that truly want to use ethanol fuel, many mainstream gas stations are offering ethanol blended fuel. Of course, petrol is still involved in this type of fuel. However, ethanol blended gas is still better than strictly petrol only. It certainly is a positive step in the right direction. Making the switch to a petroleum alternative is a personal choice as well as a global one. It’s understandably complicated but it is something we all have to learn to work together at.

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