Things To Know About Solar Systems

Vacuum tubes of ultrahigh thermal conductivity (SV-pipes) are work with the same principle as the ordinary vacuum tubes, and have all the above advantages. But they have some fundamental differences, which significantly increase their effectiveness. Not thermos flask is vacuumed in SV-evacuated tubes, but the entire space of the pipe that reduces heat losses to a minimum. As a result, they continue to operate efficiently down to -50 ? C

Because they use no double but single-glass, pipe wall thickness is increased on 0.5 mm, and it may withstand falling hail of 35 mm without prejudice.

With highly selective absorbent layer such pipes perceive diffusion light, and this means that they will work, even if the sky is overcast, they just loose productivity a little. They are ready to work immediately, as soon as the surface will be fallen with sunlight, and just 3-5 minutes later the temperature at the tip is raised to +100 ? C (maximum – up to +300 ? C). Performance of SV-pipe is about 85%.

Tubular systems supply homes with hot water excellently. They heat swimming pools and greenhouses, make ventilation, air conditioning and heating of buildings work. Depending on the characteristics of the building collectors can be installed:

• on a sloping roof;
• on a flat roof or horizontal surface near the house;
• on a sloping wall, oriented to the south;
• be mounted directly to the roof.

The cost and accounting of the system
The cost of a collector installing exceeds the cost of equipment for the traditional heating and hot water, but the economic benefits of such solutions are obvious; if we take into account the constant increase in costs (for the last two years, gas has risen in price by 300%, and it is possible that we will pay for it at very high prices soon.

Systems are installed on a turnkey basis, that means that their value includes the cost of equipment and work that does not quite belong to the solar system itself, but which is essential to its normal operation (such as installing of battery tank and its binding). On the other hand, setting the heating boiler, the owners also have to pay for its installation. Another argument in favor of solar system is their long life. Solar equipment is very reliable – there are no moving parts, and therefore there is nothing that may break. Manufacturers guarantee that it will be successfully operated for 25 years. For comparison: the electric heater works about 6 years at home, and the boiler works 10 years in average (but you will need to replace the burner so that CPA not fall).

And operating costs are not comparable: Vacuum Solar systems require no maintenance (except the case when you will have to wash it if there is very strong dust). Boilers need to be continuously monitored. You must change the burner periodically, and heating elements in electric boilers. If the boiler runs on gas, you will have to deal with the gas department.

So, it might be not the worst idea to install the solar system in your household.

Luckily we live in the times when the government start to understand the value of living in harmony with the nature on this planet. And solar power grants is a realistic proof of it. If you want to switch to , please read more about how solar power grants and how exactly you can exploit these solar power grants for your living.

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