Alternative Energy HQ

The Simple Way To Understand Central Heating

With central heating still baffling many homeowners, some still don’t know the very basics of their central heating system. It is fair to say that some do take it for granted that they have heat on demand. There’s still a lot more you could learn about central heating. To start with though, lets go back to basics and detail the essentials you need to know about central heating. This article could go on and on detailing everything you need to know about it, but for now, let’s start with the basics; the ABC’s of central heating.


The boiler is where it all happens. These days you can get combi boilers which heat the water and also send the warmth around your home. So, with a combi boiler you’re killing two birds with one stone, as the saying goes, because you can have hot water and warmth from one single appliance. Buy a combi boiler today and you’ll be pleased to hear that they will last you a long time.


The radiators penetrate the heat into the room. You don’t appreciate the warmth of entering a room, but you would certainly know about it if you didn’t have radiators. They can also be used as a good guide for when a fault has occurred within the central heating system. If the radiator doesn’t heat up after the heating has been turned on for a while, this essentially means that there is a fault somewhere down the line. It could be with the boiler or it could be that particular radiator.

Central Heating System

Remember that the term ‘central heating system’ applies to the boiler and radiators. The central heating system can also refer to the thermostat, and when someone says ‘turn the central heating system on’ they are meaning adjust the thermostat.

Now you’re a pro on all things central heating related, why not do some research and find out more intricate details? You will feel enlightened.

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