Alternative Energy HQ

Solar Powered Battery Chargers Rock

Living in a capitalist world, one of the most common (and indeed encouraged) of our social norms is that of the acquisition of property and consumer goods. We are actively encouraged to spend like crazy, and expend as much of our disposable income on the most expensive items. And yet, the bitter irony is that although we spend a lot of money and compare the prices charged for similar products….we always seem to miss the punch line; by virtue of the fact that we never really give much consideration to the process involved in the production of the items we use. Even with eco friendly technology, such as a Solar Powered Battery Charger.

There will be readers who will remain cynical about the role that their usage of various appliances plays in relation to the infliction of damage to the environment, especially given how innocuous and innocent they seem. Some of us will grudgingly admit and concede a small measure of culpability, acknowledging the fact that the actual manufacturing process of the appliances and electronic devices is a major source of pollution. However, the polluting effects of our devices does not end there, indeed every time we power or charge them up, is yet another slap in the face for Mother Nature. Whether it is due to electrical batteries which are non bio-degradable, or the electricity we derive from our main power supply which in turn is created using massively polluting fossil fuels: rest assured, it is taking its toll on our planet.

Electrical batteries cannot be incinerated; many of them contain plastic which releases a series of poisonous gases which is deadly to humans and organic life as a whole in very small doses, and contain deadly chemicals such as mercury and chloride. Even if it was possible to incinerate them, this is an extremely inefficient method of disposal because a considerable amount of energy and fuel would be required to power the combustion process to reach temperatures high enough to successfully smelt the components down. Given that a significant amount of pollution and power has to be tolerated in order to provide the electricity necessary to fuel the incinerators, it is plain to see that there is a definite catch-22 situation on our hands!

It is not all doom and gloom however, for there is a new solution at hand: solar powered battery charger. Given that these are designed to be rechargeable, this means that their lifespan is far greater than their traditional counterparts. This does not mean that they are infinite resources, although there is ongoing research designed to further finesse the longevity of these products.

To learn more about how Solar Powered Battery Chargers could not only save you money but also give you complete freedom from mains power then please visit my Solar Energy Blog.

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