Solar Lighting – Bringing The Light Into Your Life Via The Sun

Water Heaters

You read that right, there is now a water heater on the market that uses power to heat water for your bathroom and kitchen. The water heater element is added to your current water heating method, whether natural gas, electric or oil based. When someone in the home turns on their hot water faucet, the water heater sends solar heated water first, and only uses the traditional water heating method if the solar water heater cannot maintain the desired temperature. Typically, adding the solar water heating element to your existing water heating system will lessen costs and usage of your traditional system by up to 75%.

Solar Attic Fans and Ventilation Systems

There are now solar powered options you can choose when building or upgrading your home’s fans and ventilation systems. Solar attic fans, air diffusers, ventilators, gable fans and evaporative coolers that run on are great choices for these uses.

What’s available for outside your home:

Landscaping Lights

Solar landscape lights are one of the most popular ways to integrate into your home. For some lights, you need only to stick them into the ground and they will automatically collect the sun for power during the day and then light up at night. Whether you need lighting for your path, driveway, garden or patio, or to use as a spotlight on the side of your home or a tree or other landscaping feature, these options are highly cost effective, efficient and eco-friendly. There are even advanced and specialty lighting options for solar lighted stepping stones, floating lights, lanterns, rocks, addresses and more.

Water Feature and Fountain Pumps

Many homes with extensive landscaping have a fountain or water feature that moves water from one place to another and then back around again using electricity. Now there is a solar powered option for these pumps that will virtually eliminate the need to hook up electricity to these features. These pumps can also be used for bird baths. Also under this category would be pool pumps and cleaners, also available now using for their power.

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