Saving Green While Going Green With a Pellet Stove

Pellet StoveAfter long summer months of open windows and back yard grilling, the first bill of winter can be a real show stopper. In this economy, conserving and money is on everyone’s minds. Finding alternative ways to heat your home is one way combat that frightening winter bill, and a may be the solution for you.

The initial cost of installation could be a turn off, but consider how quickly that investment will pay for itself through lower energy bills. Studies by the U.S. Energy Information Administration has shown the BTU-per-dollar cost of heating by pellets is more than coal, but considerably less than oil, propane or electric. There are a few things you can do to ensure you’re getting the highest BTU for your buck.

* Buy fuel in the off season. The laws of supply and demand establish that buying pellets during the fall and winter months will be more expensive. Look for lower prices and more availability throughout the spring and summer. One resource that may be helpful is

* Buy locally. Transportation, production, and packaging costs can add up. Look for manufacturers in your local area that produce pellets as a co-products. For example, Ethanol plants across the midwest produce distiller’s grains from the leftovers of corn fermentation, and those pellets can be sold as feed for livestock or as fuel for stoves.

* Buy in bulk. It may seem more convenient to buy pellets as you need them, but discounts are usually available for buying in quantity. Before buying a ton, however, test out one bag to see how it burns in your stove. Different pellets produce different amounts of residue and heat, and you don’t want your savings to be canceled out by increased maintenance costs.

* Schedule regular maintenance. Like your car, a has a lot of moving parts and requires some specific upkeep. Keeping on top of these issues and having your stove inspected regularly by a professional will ensure efficient operation and prevent costly repairs.

Saving money is just one part of choosing an alternative heat source for you home. Utilizing biofuels can be a part of the solution to global warming and our country’s dependency on foreign oil. Choosing a pellet stove to augment your home’s heating system will not only keep more money in your pockets, but also more waste out of landfills and more contaminants out of our air. I encourage you to sit down with the numbers and carefully consider the cost-efficiency of a for your home.

Photo credit: Quadra-fire pellet stove by John Hritz/flickr

London resident Sam Hathaway is a financial consultant and a content contributor for Payday Loans, a company which helps you out with advance pay day loans when you need money before your paycheck comes in.

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