Money And Energy Saving Advice For Your House Appliances

energy saving appliancesThere are all kinds of creative and inexpensive ways to preserve in your home. The list doesn’t necessarily need to include bigger ticket items such as a new furnace, air conditioning unit, or saving heater. You can also adjust some of your home routines to save money as well.

Appliances count for about a fifth of the average household’s consumption. Buying and using them wisely means big savings on your monthly bills. Keep reading for great appliance tips that will keep your kitchen humming and your wallet singing.

1. Use your dishwasher.

It may sound strange, but a dishwasher actually uses less water than an average session of hand washing dishes. Thanks to modern technology, dishwashers are a lot more efficient these days and use about 5-7 less gallons of water than washing by hand. Meanwhile, replacing an older model can save you about $50 a year on your water and energy bills.

2. Never run an empty dishwasher.

Because a dishwashing cycle is going to use the same amount of water and energy whether it’s full or you have a single spoon in there, you ought to fill it up. Waiting until it’s full before you run it will reduce your energy bill along with the number of times you have to run your washer. It will also save you the additional physical labor of putting dishes away more frequently.

3. Use all the features on your dishwasher.

If your dishwasher has an option for air drying your dishes, use it. If it lets you rinse your dishes in cold water, use that too. Don’t invest in an energy efficient dish washer and then not cash in on all the great features that save you energy and money.

4. Wash clothes in cold water.

Unless you’re washing pristine whites that have to come out looking like virgin snow, start washing your clothes in cold water. You can even buy special cold-water detergent that’s more effective in a cold water cycle. This simple energy saving tip can save your family over $100 a year.

5. Keep that oven door closed.

Are you compulsively checking on dinner by opening the oven door? Well, the result is a lot of wasted energy. Every time the oven door is opened, an oven loses about 20 percent of its heat and has to turn back on to regain it. Instead, get in the habit of using your timer and oven light to look in on your chef’s masterpiece.

6. Shine your burner elements.

If you have electric burners on your stove with reflector bowls underneath them, you can save energy by keeping them clean and shiny. Dirty bowls will absorb heat, but shiny and clean ones will reflect it back to the burner and your pot, meaning less energy being used.


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