Make Money With An Energy Deregulation Business And Lower Your Texas Electric Bill

One of the fastest growing companies in the is Dallas, Texas based Ambit . Ambit entered the deregulated electricity market in Texas in 2006. Ambit started service in New York with electricity and natural gas service in 2007. In 2008, natural gas service was launched in Illinois. In early 2009, Ambit will expand natural gas service into Ohio. Ambit offers great prices on electricity and natural gas, free hotel stays for switching, a monthly rewards program that offers everything from gasoline to resort vacations, and a chance to earn free energy and vacations for referring friends and family who also want to save money and earn free rewards.

Ambit offers fantastic benefits for customers in Texas. Texas electricity prices are very unstable right now and it is not uncommon for people to be able to save 20% to 40% or more just by switching. The standard rates from Ambit are up to 20% cheaper than the incumbent electricity providers. With high usage in the summer and winter, this can mean savings of hundreds of dollars. The high usage also helps customers earn rewards very rapidly. It doesn’t make you want to spend money on electricity, but if you can relax on the beach every now and then with a free trip, it does make it easier. Customers can also refer people to a personal website provided by the company. For every 5 people that sign up with Ambit, they get a free vacation. If 15 people sign up, the customer gets a credit on their electricity bill up to the full amount. That means Texas Electricity customers can get free travel and free electricity in addition to low rates. That is a hard combination to beat.

You can even get better than saving money and earning free travel. Ambit has a unique multi level network marketing opportunity that pays consultants 6 levels deep in addition to their personal customers. In Texas, this means up to $3 per customer in their organization down to 6 levels below their personal customers. This is at the lowest energy usage level and can get as high as $15 per month. $3 a month from a customer isn’t going to make you rich, but it is easy to have thousands or tens of thousands of customers in an organization contributing $3 or more to a monthly pay check. To learn more about this fantastic, money making opportunity, call 888-240-5801 or go to

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