Alternative Energy HQ

The Importance of Green Transportation

Climate change is real, and many people are changing their habits to embrace a greener, more eco-friendly lifestyle. While there are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint, one of the most important steps you can take is to embrace green transportation. The main source of greenhouse gas created by humans is the use of fossil fuels, and traditional cars and trucks are a major player in adding to the total. If you can give up your gas-guzzling vehicles in favor of green transportation, you’ll help the environment in a big way.

However, green transportation isn’t just about the type of car you drive — though it certainly includes your personal vehicle as a factor. Going green can also mean choosing to drive less or opting for public transportation, and there are several ways to think outside the box to make.

Common Forms of Green Transportation

When you think about green transportation, there are probably several things that come to mind,

Less Common Ways to Go Green

Some things you may not immediately think of when it comes to going green for transportation


The Growing Popularity of Green Transportation

Increased regulations are only part of the reason green transportation is booming. Companies are now realizing that there’s a market for these products, as more people are looking for ways to do their part to stop global warming in its tracks. With more options to choose from than ever, you can get where you’re going and help the environment while you’re doing it.

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