How A Modern Toilet Will Truly Preserve Your Money

Why should I buy a ?

The average household can save approximately $100 a year on their utility bills. You’ll also be helping to conserve thousands of gallons of water and do your part for the earth. Remember, toilets are the largest single users of water inside most homes. For typical homeowners, replacing a toilet can be the single most significant money-saving efficiency action they do.

How much does a differ from a regular toilet? Will I still get the same flush?

Water-efficient toilets work by using an efficient bowl design and actually increasing the flushing velocity. While older high-consumption toilets use extra water volume to push out waste, the uses better design.

Most low-volume toilets flush just as well as older toilets and don’t require double flushing. Remember, water-efficient toilets have to meet the same cleaning and performance standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

How much will a new water-efficient toilet cost?

A standard water-efficient, gravity-design toilet can range from as low as $40 all the way up to several hundred dollars, with most models averaging between $100 and $200.

However, the cost of the toilet will be easily repaid over time in lower water and utility bills. So don’t be overly cautious about spending a few more dollars on a high quality toilet since the longer-term payback will be substantial.

What should I look for when buying a water-efficient toilet?

Like you would with any home purchase, look online for product reviews, ask for advice at the store and be an informed consumer. Remember, a higher price doesn’t always indicate a better product. While all toilets have to pass certain performance tests, the quality can vary significantly and so can the test scores.

Ask your retailer to tell you what toilets scored highest on the ANSI flush tests. A good retailer should have that information readily available. If not, you should be able to locate the information online.

Do I need to install any special modifications to put in a water efficient toilet?

Most water-efficient toilets are installed just like an older toilet. With very few exceptions, they’re roughed in the same way and connected to the plumbing the same way. You simply need the patience to set it properly and ensure that water connections are tight to prevent leaks.

Do I still need to put a brick in the tank to save money?

No, the days of plopping a brink inside a toilet tank are over. Because water-efficient toilets are optimized for maximum efficiency, restricting their full flow can actually cause performance problems rather than help.

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