Green hosting- using alternative energy to run the net

Man you just have to check this out. I found a web hosting company that is totally progressive and runs their whole show (servers, office, the works) on renewable sources.

Their slogan is: changing the world by providing high quality earth-friendly [tag-tec]web hosting[/tag-tec] services & supporting social change activism

Here is what they have to say about themselves:
ThinkHost, Inc. is a debt-free, privately owned USA based progressive company providing quality web site hosting services powered by 100% renewable to a global market. ThinkHost, Inc. was founded in 1999 by Vladislav Davidzon, a talented technical professional and peace advocate.
Our objectives

This is best summed up by our mission statement and by our Executive Director and Founder, Vladislav Davidzon:

“I founded the company based on 3 simple principles – Honesty, Integrity and Trust. I’m proud to say that while we have grown substantially over the years, we have not outgrown the original ThinkHost objectives – and never will.”

We take our responsibility to our clients, to positive social change, the environment and assisting the community very seriously. These are more than just words, but a demonstrated commitment.

How cool is that, a web hosting company running their whole show (servers,office, the works) on [tag-ice]renewable sources[/tag-ice]. I will check them out further and then maybe move this site over to their servers. How good a fit would that be? An [tag]alternative [/tag] web site running on a green web host. Seems to make sense to me. I will get back to you on what I find out.

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