Computer/technology central leads way on Solar Energy – Silicon Valley CA

California’s Silicon Valley has led the country in several waves of technology over the past thirty years and now it is leading the corporate world into the acceptance of to help power its plants and buildings across the southern half of San Francisco Bay. Why is this happening? Check out this analysis from a local paper:

The region resonates most with technology. Why? There are several reasons:

n Technological familiarity. Semiconductor and industries share the same silicon-based technology.

n Improvements in silicon technology, falling costs and the promise of cost parity with fossil fuel or nuclear-powered electricity generation.

n Strong interest in decentralized electricity generation.

n Enormous solar business potential. The worldwide market is expected to rise from $11 billion in 2005 to $51 billion in 2015, according to Clean Edge Inc.

n Renewable business potential, expected to be over $167 billion by 2015.

n A recently approved California law that calls for the installation of 1 million rooftop solar panels ($2.9 billion worth) on businesses, homes, schools, farms and public buildings between 2011 and 2018.

n The most attractive feature: Solar power comes from a free and inexhaustible source that rises every day. (Solar power works on a cloudy day also).

Google has gone for solar in a big way at it’s Silicon Valley headquarters. Now many other buildings in Silicon Valley are being updated with solar installations. Seems like a good progressive move by these companies.

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