Coal Satire Released – Check It Out

The Renewable Energy Accountability Project (REAP) has released its latest satirical video, “The Most Ignorant Man in the World.” The soft release on YouTube and Funny or Die has already garnered hundreds of views and been shared with thousands across Facebook and .

“You say burning coal for electricity causes extreme disasters…that’s like saying cigarettes cause cancer,” is one of the subtle and timely lines from REAP’s hit on government and business
leaders who fail to recognize that burning coal for electricity is a chief cause of the climate crisis. The video ends by asking viewers to visit REAP’s website to vote on who you think is the “Top Climate
Crisis Denier” among eight contenders including: U.S. Senator James Inhofe, and CEO’s of notorious companies like Koch Industries, and the coal giant Ambre Energy.

REAP is ramping up its campaign to stop the construction of mega coal export terminals at West Coast ports that would ship millions of tons of coal to Asia; and is drawing attention to key climate crisis deniers. “We thought folks would appreciate some satire and hope it helps them to critically evaluate the choices we need to make to build a green economy and save the environment for future generations,” concluded Kelly Rivas, REAP’s media director.

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