Alternative Energy HQ


solar for all

Boxborough, Massachusetts (September 4, 2019) – altE Store, a Massachusetts-based distributor of solar energy products and systems, announced its acquisition of Real Goods, a California-based solar retailer. This trans-continental expansion is a capstone moment in altE’s twenty-first year of business.

Founded in 1978, Real Goods is the original purveyor of off-grid living supplies. Envisioned as a one-stop-shop to meet all the needs of remote homesteaders, the store began with the sale of the first ever retail solar panel in the United States. In 1982 Real Goods published the Solar Living Sourcebook, the definitive resource for off-the-grid living, renewable energy, green building, homesteading, and all things sustainable. Since then over 500,000 copies have been sold in 44 English-speaking countries.

“As a teenager I actually remember reading the Real Goods catalog and Solar Living Sourcebook and being inspired by them,” comments Sascha Deri, altE’s co-founder and CEO. “It’s an honor for me that altE will empower the heritage of both the Real Goods brand and customers across the globe into the future.”

“Bringing the Real Goods team and brand strength of 41 years together with altE is a powerful combination for all our customers,” continues Sascha. “Real Goods and altE customers will benefit from a larger staff of knowledgeable and friendly folks from East coast to West. Our hours of operation will be even more convenient for people from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. And our new Technical Support department will provide even more depth of assistance to our customers.”

The Real Goods office and warehouse will continue in the Hopland-Ukiah, California area, focusing on both off-grid and grid-tie renewable energy systems and sales. New to the acquisition, Real Goods will also begin offering competitive programs for professional solar installers on the West coast, with expanded inventory and distributor pricing.

John Schaeffer, President and Founder of Real Goods commented: “When I thought about retiring a year ago, I looked far and wide to find the best company to carry on the Real Goods tradition. With Sascha Deri and altE, I think we have found the perfect match. Our vision and mission dovetail perfectly with theirs, and we’re proud and confident to see them continue serving our loyal customers and new customers into the future.

Company founder John Schaeffer is retiring as President of the Real Goods, but will remain working as Chairman of the Board of the Solar Living Institute, located at the Solar Living Center in Hopland, California. Customers used to ordering “green products” from Real Goods can continue ordering them from the Solar Living Institute, online at and by phone at (707) 472-2403.

In the near future, a new location for the Real Goods store will be selected in the greater Hopland area. Real Goods will continue as a distributor and retailer of solar energy products and systems. All of the company’s Solar Techs will remain with Real Goods, and they will be joined by altE’s Technical Sales Reps. Real Goods products continue to be available online at and by phone at (800) 919-2400.

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