Waste Heat Recovery – How A Flue Gas Condensing Economizer Will Increase Your Profits While Also Helping The Environment

For people who own or operate a business, the bottom line is a top priority. If there’s a way to save your business money and you have the resources to make it happen, you do! For owners of natural gas or LP boilers and appliances, Flue Gas Condensing Economizers are designed to do just that, save you money. Equally important are the beneficial effects a heat recovery system has on the environment.

Making your boilers and appliances as efficient as possible means potentially having tens of thousands of extra dollars in your pocket annually (for decades to come). This is a reality that you can experience by investing in technology that works, and improving the equipment you already have.

As a general rule, natural gas or LP boilers and appliances have an efficiency rate between 80 – 85%, forcing the remaining 15 – 20% of original to go out the chimney in the flue gas. By installing a condensing economizer, you upgrade your equipment to 90 – 95% efficiency and start saving on day one.

Most of us have seen the news reports about the future of our planet and walked away with much concern. Summers are getting hotter, winters are getting rainier, and hurricanes keep getting stronger. Scientists are pointing the finger towards Carbon Dioxide (CO2) as the main culprit for the climate crisis, much of which is emitted through industrial flue gases.

The good news is that your business can be a part of the solution, by reducing your C02 emissions while actually saving you money at the same time. Waste heat recovery systems with a condensing economizer lower the amount of flue gas released into the air, effectively lowering the amount of CO2 released by your company. This is a positive thing for the environment as well as your company’s reputation.

Conserving water is another important issue we face today. As summers keep warming up, and winters are not bringing enough snow to the mountains, our most precious resource is quickly becoming a sparse commodity. With only 2% of the world’s water supply suitable for drinking and even that figure dwindling, it is our responsibility to conserve water whenever we can.

Of the different components which escape in typical flue gas, approximately 8% is water vapor. Using a condensing economizer turns this normally wasted resource into usable water; reclaiming significant amounts (in some cases hundreds of gallons per hour) of what would normally be wasted water and wasted money. Again, not only are you making a genuine difference for the environment, you’re also improving your bottom line at the same time.

Given the current state of the economy, any opportunities that help a business to save money should be given proper consideration, especially ones that also come with real environmental benefits as well. Condensing economizers are able to provide maximum efficiency to your boilers while also increasing the efficiency of your business by adding more funds to your bottom line. By making an investment in waste heat recovery technology you’re taking a positive step towards benefiting your business, the environment, and your customer.

To find out more about how you can save money, reduce C02 emissions and conserve water with a condensing economizer visit www.SidelSystems.com. And while you’re there be sure to request our FREE heat recovery systems Video and Info Pack – you’ll be glad you did!

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