Obama Wins Presidency – What Does This Mean For Energy Policy?

barack obama official small1Well the interminable election process is finally over and it ends with a historic day for America. is the new president of the . was a big topic during this campaign as both sides tried to illuminate us with their vision of new for our country in the coming months.

So now what? Does development and more specifically renewable development stay high on the agenda of the new administration or does it fall by the wayside behind the economy and the war as far as topic of action in Washington?

Obama has spoken long and loud about the need to address this issue. Now though gas prices have slumped due to the economic meltdown and world wide falling oil prices. This could throw cold water on the energy issue. If consumers are no longer freaking out about rising gas prices where will the cry come from for advancement of energy development? Don’t get me wrong I am not arguing for high gas prices. I just want to see government action that is not dependent on civic crisis but rather long term vision.

Let’s hope President Obama appoints some smart people to address long term renewable development.

By the way did you see the election eve pitch the Republicans made about some of Obama’s comments from months ago about the coal industry? They tried to make out like he was out to kill the coal industry with regulation for clean emissions, but in fact Mr McCain himself proffered just such a policy in the Senate last year. Silly election eve stuff but in truth both of these candidate have similar energy positions in many areas.

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